Bourek algérien à la Viande Hachée - Algerian Meat Bourek
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Le bourek est un grand classique de la table du Ramadan en Algerie. c'est un incontournable chez moi, encore plus depuis que ma fille jeûne et en reclame chaque jour.
Le plus dur c'est de trouver les feuilles a brik (Diouls) pour les rouler quand on habite a l'étranger. on essaye d'être créatif, je me suis même mis a les faire moi meme quand j'habitait aux Etats Unis, mais soyons réalistes avec trois enfants, c'est devenu un luxe. A Dubai, ca n'est plus un probleme, j'utilise les feuilles a brik de chez carrefour.
500g de boeuf haché
1 gros oignon émincé
1 c. a café d'huile
2 c. a soupe de persil haché
1 oeuf
fromage râpé au goût.
Faire chauffer l'huile et mettre l'oignon à revenir
Ajouter la viande, bien la détacher, la mélanger à l oignon et la faire cuire à feu, moyen (pas trop chaud)
Ajouter les épices
A mi-cuisson ajouter le persil haché
Retirer la casserole du feu, ajouter l'oeuf et mélanger très vite
Remettre sur le feu, rajouter le fromage, et mélanger.
Laisser refroidir avant de rouler en bourek ou de façonner en briouette
Bon appétit.
The "Bourek" are a staple of the algerian Ramadan table, the filling might change; chicken, sea food, spinach or meat, but the concept is the same. some yummy goodness rolled into a paper thin semoulina based wrapper (diouls or brick sheets) then deep fried. Served with lemon wedges to accompany the Iftar chorba.
The origins of the Algerian bourek is probably "the turkish borek " that use phylo pastry, layered in with cheese and parsley or other different stuffings, slathered in butter and cooked in the oven. The Algerian culinary tradition is so rich because of the previous colnies throughout history, the otoman empire being one of them. dont' you love it when you learn history through food?
Anyway, The meat Boureks are the traditional ones, find below my recipe. you will find links at the end to learn how to fold them in triangles(moroccan style) or to roll them (algerian style).
It is my daughter's favourite ramadan dish, and it is my pleasure today to share this recipe with #noorkidsiftar who are trying to teach children the diversity of the muslim world through food,.
500g ground beef
1 big onion minced
1 tsp vegetable oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp minced parsley
1 egg
100 g shredded cheese to taste
1 packet of brick sheets / diouls/ aletrnatively springroll sheets.
vegetable oil for frying
Heat the oil in a sauce pan, and sauté the onion until translucid on medium heat.
Add the ground beef, making sure you break it into lumps using a woodedn spoon.
Add the spices. cover and let it simmer on low heat for 10 minutes, making sure you mix from time to time.
Add the parsley.
Take the pan out of the heat, and add the egg and quickly mix it to the meat.
Put it on low heat again and add the cheese.
Once the cheese is melted, it is ready. put in a bowl, cover and let it cool.
Roll the boureks fllowing the directions on the brick sheets packages or check my photos here.
Deep fry them.
Serve hot with lemon wedges